Frequently Asked Questions

IPG Major Accounts Supply Partners, Mall Supply Partners and Hard To Find Parts is a private rebate & rewards site exclusively for members of Installed Parts Group (IPG), which currently include ATD ServiceBay and Tire Pros members. The following list of questions has been compiled to answer the general questions you may have about participating in the program. If you have additional questions, please e-mail:

NOTE: All questions regarding the fulfillment or return of items ordered should be place directly with the supply partner and not IPG.

IPG Frequently Asked Questions - Purchaser


Q1 - What is the difference between a Major Account Supply Partner, Mall Supply Partner and Hard To Find Parts Supplier Partner?

A1 - The three categories of IPG approved suppliers are:

1.) MAJOR ACCOUNT SUPPLY PARTNERS, which require your shop to have a pre-existing and approved account with that supplier.

2.) MALL SUPPLY PARTNERS, which permit you to purchase online without having an account. You must access their site through the IPG portal in order to recieve rebates. 

3.) HARD TO FIND PARTS PARTNERS, which permit you to purchase online without having an account.

MAJOR ACCOUNT SUPPLY PARTNERS: - Shop members can place orders by phone, in person at their local store, or through the supplier's website or proprietary ordering system. Remember to provide your IPG Account Number when ordering so that the IPG Direct Connect software will receive a copy of your purchase information and be able to process your earned rebate or other incentive awards. NOTE: You must be activated to receive rebates and/or other available incentive awards. Call the IPG Help Line at (423) 291-4971 if you are unsure of your account activation status.

MALL SUPPLY PARTNERS: - Shop members must place all orders online through the IPG RebatesPlace™ portal / Mall Supplier site platform to receive credit for your purchase towards earning rebates and incentives. The Direct Connect software links to these suppliers that are provided throughout the IPG RebatesPlace™ website. You are not required to have a pre-registered account to purchase items and earn rebates from Mall Supply Partners. The process is as follows: 1.) Log in at; 2.) Click on the Mall Supplier link; 3) Search for the supplier product or services category desired; 4.) Click on the selected supplier Shop links provided to "punch-out" you will be (re-direct) to the supplier's website; 5.) Shop on the supplier's website by adding items to your shopping cart and paying for the items via a credit card or other supplier-offered payment method.

HARD TO FIND PARTS: - Shop members must place all orders online through the IPG RebatesPlace™ portal / Hard To Find Site platform, to receive credit for purchase towards earning rebates and incentives. Direct Connect software links to suppliers that are provided throughout the IPG RebatesPlace™ website. You are not required to have a pre-registered account to purchase items and earn rebates from Hard To Find Parts Supply Partners. The process is as follows: 1.) Log in at; 2.) Click on the Hard To Find Parts Supplier link; 3) Search for the supplier / product category desired; 4.) Click on the selected supplier link or other links provided to "punch-out", you will be (re-direct) to the supplier's website; 5.) Shop on the supplier's website by adding items to your shopping cart and paying for the items via a credit card or other supplier-offered payment method


Q2 - How are my purchases recorded and rebates earned & calculated?

A2 - PURCHASES AND REBATE CALCULATION (Major Account Supply Partners) - Purchases from major account supplier partners (phone, fax, in-person, online, etc.) are recorded directly in their business systems at the point of sale. Similar to the mall supply partners, the supplier then generates a statement at the end of the month/quarter (varies by supplier) reporting your purchases and rebate amounts earned. Upon receipt, the data is uploaded into IPG Direct Connect, where rebate calculations are validated and any discrepancies identified, researched and corrected as required. You can view the amount of rebates you've earned directly from the IPG on your IPG RebatesPlace and clicking “My Quarterly Reports”.

A2 - PURCHASES AND REBATE CALCULATION (Mall Supply Partners) - An identification token is passed to the mall supplier's website identifying you as an IPG member customer (preferred national account) when you link directly from the IPG RebatesPlace™ website.

NOTE: Opening a supplier's website without linking from the IPG RebatesPlace™ website will disqualify you from earning an IPG rebate or incentive from Mall Supply Partners. The supplier records your purchase on their business system. Supplier then generates a statement at the end of the month/quarter (varies by supplier) reporting your purchases and rebate amounts earned. Upon receipt, the data is uploaded into IPG Direct Connect, where rebate calculations are validated and any discrepancies identified, researched and corrected as required. You can view the amount of rebates you've earned directly from the IPG on your IPG RebatesPlace and clicking “My Quarterly Reports”.


Q3 - How, and when, am I paid for rebates earned through IPG?

A3 - Upon receipt of the supplier generated statement (data feed) and rebate monies earned for the reporting period, IPG will process your rebate and distribute the amount earned with your next quarterly rebate check.

NOTE: IPG, IPG RebatesPlace™, and NEXTStep Commerce assume no liability for payment of rebate monies earned by you, which have not be received in full from supplier partner. See the IPG RebatesPlace™and each supplier platform "Terms of Use" webpage for more detailed information.


Q4 - Why should I purchase goods and services through IPG RebatesPlace™?

A4 - Multi-Group Buying Power = Better Deals! IPG RebatesPlace™ is where you can connect directly to Major Account Supply Partners' online catalogs and proprietary ordering systems. You can link  directly to our Mall Supply Partner and Hard To Find Parts Partner websites through IPG RebatesPlace™and immediately start earning national account rebates for all your online purchases.

IPG and IPG RebatesPlace™ leverage the buying power of our member groups like ATD ServiceBay and Tire Pros. Plus, we have strategic partnerships with other buying groups, which allows us to negotiate preferred national account rebates and discounts with hundreds of national supply partners.

  • Earn national account rebates & discounts.
  • One place to connect to all your key supply partners.
  • Rebate volume tracking.
  • Rebate reporting via IPG Direct Connect.
  • Point rewards via IPG Rewards.
  • Rebates paid quarterly directly to you from IPG headquarters.


Q5 - How do I get activated on IPG

A5 - Activation is easy! Simply click-on the Big Red Activation Buttonlink located on on most pages on the IPG website. (Fill-out the account activation form). Your account will be activated in 3 to 5 business days. You will receive a welcome letter via email from IPG with your login information (UserID and Password). Once logged onto the website you can immediately begin to earn rebates / rewards and other incentives offered by our supply partners.

NOTE: Major Account Supply Partners require that you have an account pre-approved and registered into their order management system before you qualify for earning rebates and reward points. Follow the account activation procedure as discussed above. IPG will facilitate a call from the Major Account Supply Partner to gather other necessary information to activate your account for in-person, phone, and online purchases.

NOTE 2: If you have already been receiving checks from IPG for purchases with our Major Account Supply Partners, use your existing login information (UserID and Password) to access IPG RebatesPlace™.


Q6 - How much does it cost to be a member of IPG?

A6 - MEMBERSHIP IS FREE because you are an ATD customer and a member of the ATD Tire Pros, Activate, or ServiceBay program. There is NO CHARGE for you to join and participate in any of the IPG Rebate or Reward programs.


Q7 - Will walk-in store purchases also earn rebates and rewards?

A7 - YES, IF FROM MAJOR ACCOUNT SUPPLIERS! As long as the purchases are billed through your account and your account has been flagged by the supplier as an IPG national account (must be current to receive any rebates or rewards).

MAJOR ACCOUNT SUPPLY PARTNERS - Pay rebates on orders placed via phone, fax, in-store (walk-in), and through their online ordering systems provided that you have a pre-approved account with the supplier and it has been flagged as IPG at the supplier, and the data is sent to IPG.




Q8 - Who do I call if there is problem with my order?

A8 - Unfortunately, IPG cannot assist you with questions pertaining to your orders via Major Account Supply Partners , Mall Supply Partners or Hard To Find Parts Partners. We are a Marketing and Rebates Management Company responsible for operating the IPG RebatesPlace™, IPG Direct Connect, and IPG Rewards websites and establishing national account rebate programs on your behalf.

Please CONTACT THE SUPPLY PARTNER DIRECTLY for all order fulfillment and customer service related issues to include: product or service inquiries, order status, returns, warranty clams, order cancellation, etc. There is generally a customer service department phone number or e-mail address for each Mall Supply Partner and Hard To Find Parts Partners located directly on their website. For Major Account Supply Partners, contact your local sales representative or store. You can also find general point of contact information for each supply partner by opening their "Programs" profile, which is made available after you have successfully logged into IPG RebatesPlace™ and clicked on the supplier platform.



 Q9 - Who do I contact if there is discrepancy in the rebate amount earned?

A9 - Send an e-mail to the IPG Rebates Place Help Desk at: Contact IPG Headquarters directly for all issues related to Major Account Supply Partners, Mall Supply Partners and Hard To Find Parts Partners at (423) 291-4971, M-F 9 AM to 5 PM EST or email at:


Q10 - How do I report a supplier that is underperforming and/or make a suggestion for a replacement or addition?

A10 - Send an e-mail or call the IPG Help Desk at: (423) 291-4971, M-F 9 AM to 5 PM EST or email at:


Q11 - I'm a supplier desiring to sell products or services through IPG RebatesPlace™. Who do I contact?

A11 - Send an e-mail to IPG RebatesPlace™ at:, or call: (423) 291-4971, M-F 9 AM to 5 PM EST. 


Q12 – Can you receive rebates and rewards from more than one supply partner?

Q12 - Yes, you can earn rebates from multiple Major Account Supply Partners so long as your account is flagged as IPG and data is sent from the suppliers to IPG. You can also earn rebates from from multiple Mall partners and Hard To Find Parts partners.


Q13 – How do I update my contact information?

A13 - You two have options:


Q14 – How do I add a Major Account Supply Partner?

A14 - Simply click the big red button, fill out the action form and include the account number to the suppliers you want added.


Q15 Can my rebate check be made out to me personally?

A15 - No, all rebate checks are made out to your business name and is reported as an additional discount.


Q16 – Can a lost check be replaced?

A16 - Yes, you will need to contact at: (423) 291-4971, M-F 9 AM to 5 PM EST or email at:

NOTE: Our bank will need to stop payment on the check issued which requires a $50.00 charge per check. The $50.00 will be deducted from the total rebate earned and the check will re-issued.


 Q17 – Do I earn IPG Reward Points from all approved suppliers?

A17 - No, you only earn reward points from Major Account Supply Partners and Hard To Find Supply Partners. Mall Supply Partners do NOT support IPG Rewards, they only support national account rebates.


Q18 – Do my IPG Rewards Points expire?

A18 - No


Q19 – Can you purchase additional points?

A19 - Yes